Thursday, February 9, 2012

RED FLAGS to Look For When Hiring a Listing Agent

Choosing the right agent to sell your home sounds easy, but there are a lot of "red flags" to look out for when hiring the right listing agent for you. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Are they easily accessible?
I don't mean do they answer their phone at 10pm when you call, but do they regularly and consistently answer their phone during normal business hours? Do they make themselves available to you?
RED FLAG: Their voice mail is consistently full so you cannot leave them a message. This is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. This indicates that your potential agent is sooooo busy and or careless they cannot clean up their inbox enough to make space for you to leave a message for them. What happens when potential buyers are calling them about your house? The calls go missed and you miss out!

Are they patient with your questions and concerns?
You will undoubtedly have questions and concerns about listing your house for sale, especially if you have never done it before.
RED FLAG: If they are rushing you into signing and telling you "not to worry" about your concerns they will likely also rush you into accepting offers and not be very patient in addressing your future concerns while you are in escrow.

Are they sensitive to your situation?
Many sellers in our current economic climate are not selling for financial gain, but for financial salvation. If this is you, you are likely a little embarrassed and self-conscious about your situation.
RED FLAG: If they make light of your financial situation and want to use it as a marketing ploy with phrases like "sellers loss is your gain" (another pet peeve of mine) it is not indicative of a person who is terribly empathetic with your given situation. They should care about your pride and not exploit your hardship to sell your home quicker.

Are they dedicated to selling your home?
Even though agents work with more than one buyer and seller at a time, experienced agents are very good multi-taskers and can effectively service all of their clients seamlessly.
RED FLAG: If they have another job!! Being a full time Realtor is a full time job. If you are trusting someone to sell your home it is more involved than signing a piece of paper and putting a sign in the ground. You need someone who is available to you, potential buyers and buyers agents without other commitments that will always have a higher priority than selling your home.

Are you hiring them or their name?
Many successful agents eventually create a "team" that works for them. There is usually an escrow assistant and maybe a buyer's agent or two. The team dynamic can be very effective and successful for many agents and their clients.
RED FLAG: You contact the agent to list your home based on your familiarity with their name around town, but soon discover that you are handed off to a "team member" and work only with them. While I am sure most agents who hire team members only hire competent able-bodied people, what is the point of hiring the high-powered big name agent if they are not going to be involved in your transaction at all? Sure, their name is on the sign, but are you really getting the benefit of their knowledge and experience if they are not the one actually working for you?

I know I have said it once- but I will say it again- selling your home is more than putting a sign in the ground and uploading some photos to the MLS. Interview more than one person for the job of selling your home, and be weary of potential red flags. Your wallet and your sanity will thank you later.

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